


1. 浏览商品 (Browsing products)
– I like to browse online before making a purchase. 我喜欢在购买前先上网浏览一下。
– You can find all kinds of products just by browsing the web. 只要浏览一下网页,你就能找到各种各样的商品。
– Can I browse your website for more options? 我能在你们的网站上浏览更多的选择吗?

2. 下订单 (Placing an order)
– I would like to place an order for this item. 我想下单购买这个商品。
– Can I place an order over the phone? 我可以通过电话下单吗?
– Could you please guide me through the process of placing an order? 你能指导我下单的流程吗?

3. 付款 (Making payment)
– How can I make the payment? 我该如何支付?
– Do you accept credit card payments? 你们接受信用卡支付吗?
– Is there any other payment method available? 还有其他的支付方式吗?

4. 物流和运输 (Shipping and delivery)
– How long will it take for the item to be delivered? 商品需要多长时间才能送到?
– How much does the shipping cost? 邮费是多少?
– Can I track my order during the shipping process? 我可以在运输过程中追踪我的订单吗?

5. 退货和退款 (Returns and refunds)
– I would like to return this item and get a refund. 我想退回这个商品并且要求退款。
– What is your return policy? 你们的退货政策是什么?
– How long does it take to process the refund? 处理退款需要多长时间?


关于作者: ybomx

