


Amy: Hi Tom, nice to see you! How are you doing?

Tom: Hi Amy! I’m doing great, thanks. How about you?

Amy: I’m good too, thanks for asking. So, are you ready for the party?

Tom: Yes, I’m really excited about it. How about you?

Amy: Me too! I can’t wait to see everyone. By the way, do you know who else is coming?

Tom: I heard that Lisa, John, and Sarah will be there. How about you? Do you know anyone else?

Amy: Yeah, I heard Chris and Emily will also be joining us. It’s going to be a fun gathering!


Amy: Wow, this spot looks perfect for our picnic. Let’s set up the table and chairs first.

Tom: Good idea. I’ll help you with that. Can you pass me those plates and cups, please?

Amy: Sure, here you go. And here are the napkins and utensils.

Tom: Thanks. Oh, I almost forgot the drinks. Let me grab them from the cooler.


Amy: Tom, these sandwiches are delicious! Did you make them yourself?

Tom: No, I bought them from the bakery. But I’m glad you like them.

Amy: They are really tasty. By the way, have you tried the potato salad? It’s amazing!

Tom: No, not yet. Let me have a bite. Mmm, you’re right, it’s really good!


Amy: So, Tom, have you heard the latest gossip about our colleagues?

Tom: No, tell me, what’s going on?

Amy: Well, it seems like James and Lily are dating now. Isn’t that surprising?

Tom: Wow, I didn’t see that coming! They must have kept it a secret for a while.

Amy: Yeah, it’s quite unexpected. But I think they make a cute couple, don’t you?

Tom: Definitely, they look really happy together. It’s nice to see them both smile.


Amy: Tom, do you remember our first meeting in college? Those were good times.

Tom: Of course, I still remember it like it was yesterday. We’ve come a long way since then.

Amy: Yes, we have. And I’m really grateful to have you as my friend all these years.

Tom: Same here, Amy. We’ve shared so many memories together and I hope we’ll have more in the future.

Amy: Definitely, there are still many adventures ahead of us. Let’s make the most of it!


Tom: Amy, thank you for organizing this gathering. I had a great time.

Amy: You’re welcome, Tom. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Let’s plan another get-together soon!

Tom: Sure, I’d love that. Have a safe journey home. See you soon!

Amy: Thank you. Take care, Tom. See you!




关于作者: ybomx

