

1. Giving a gift(送礼)

A: I bought this gift for you. I hope you like it.
B: Thank you so much! It’s very thoughtful of you.

A: I have a little something for you.
B: Oh, how kind of you! What is it?

A: This is a small token of my appreciation.
B: Oh, you didn’t have to! Thank you!

2. Receiving a gift(收礼)

A: I hope you like the gift I got for you.
B: It’s perfect! Thank you very much.

A: I didn’t expect you to bring me a gift.
B: It’s just a little something to show my gratitude.

A: I hope this gift brings you joy.
B: Thank you! It’s such a thoughtful present.

3. Expressing gratitude(表达感激)

A: Thank you for the gift. I really appreciate it.
B: You’re welcome. I’m glad you like it.

A: I can’t thank you enough for this wonderful gift.
B: It’s my pleasure! I’m glad I could make you happy.

A: Your generosity is beyond words. Thank you.
B: You deserve it! Thank you for being so kind.

4. Responding to a thoughtful gesture(回应体贴的举动)

A: You remembered my favorite color! Thank you.
B: It’s the least I could do. I know how much you love it.

A: This gift really made my day.
B: I’m glad I could brighten your day. Enjoy!

A: Thank you for thinking of me. It means a lot.
B: You’re welcome! I knew it would bring you joy.

5. Offering thanks for a surprise gift(对惊喜礼物表示感谢)

A: I never expected such a wonderful gift. Thank you!
B: I’m glad I could surprise you. You deserve it.

A: This is more than I could have wished for. Thank you.
B: I’m glad you like it. You deserve the best!

A: I’m speechless. Thank you for this amazing gift.
B: You’re welcome. I’m glad I could bring you joy.


关于作者: ybomx

