


A:Excuse me, have you seen my wallet? I can’t find it anywhere.

B:I’m sorry to hear that. Where did you last see it?

A:I remember having it in my pocket when I left the café. But it seems to have disappeared since then.

B:Did you check with the café staff? Maybe someone handed it in.

A:That’s a good idea. I’ll go ask them right away. Thank you!


A:I can’t find my keys. I’ve looked everywhere.

B:Did you check your bag or pockets again?

A:Yes, I did. I even retraced my steps to see if I dropped them somewhere, but no luck.

B:Remember to keep a spare key with a trusted friend or neighbor. It might come in handy for situations like this.

A:I should really do that. Thanks for the suggestion!


A:I think I left my laptop in the library. Can you help me find it?

B:Of course! Let’s check the lost and found section first.

A:I already did that, but it wasn’t there.

B:In that case, let’s ask the librarian. They might have seen it or can provide more information.

A:That’s a good plan. Thank you for your help!


A:I can’t find my phone. I’ve looked everywhere in my room.

B:Have you tried calling it to see if you can locate it by the sound?

A:Yes, but it’s on silent mode, so I can’t hear it.

B:Do you have a tracking app installed on your phone? Maybe you can locate it using that.

A:I completely forgot about that! Let me check. Thanks for reminding me!


A:I can’t find my umbrella. I remember leaving it at the café yesterday. Do you think someone took it?

B:It’s possible. Did you check if the café has a lost and found section?

A:Yes, but they haven’t found my umbrella.

B:Next time, write your name on your belongings. It will make it easier for people to return them if they find them.

A:That’s a good tip. I will definitely do that in the future. Thank you!



关于作者: ybomx

