

1. Confirming the cargo(确认货物)
– Could you please confirm the types and quantities of the cargo to be shipped?(请确认要装运的货物类型和数量?)
– Could you provide me with the cargo details such as weight, dimensions, and packaging?(能否提供货物的重量、尺寸和包装等详细信息?)

2. Inquiring about the cargo status(查询货物状态)
– May I know the current status of the cargo?(请问货物的当前状态是?)
– Is the cargo ready for shipment?(货物是否已准备好装运?)
– When can I expect the cargo to be delivered?(我可以期待什么时候能收到货物?)

1. Booking a container(订舱)
– I would like to book a container for the cargo.(我想为货物订舱。)
– Can you help me with the booking process?(你能帮我完成订舱手续吗?)

2. Arranging the shipment(安排装运)
– We need to arrange the shipment as soon as possible.(我们需要尽快安排装运。)
– Could you please arrange the necessary documents for the shipment?(请您安排好所需的装运文件。)
– When will the cargo be loaded onto the vessel?(货物将何时装上船?)

1. Negotiating the transportation agreement(谈判运输协议)
– We need to discuss the terms and conditions of the transportation agreement.(我们需要讨论运输协议的条款和条件。)
– What are the shipping terms you can offer?(您能提供哪些装运条款?)

2. Talking about the freight costs(谈论运费)
– Could you please provide a quotation for the freight costs?(请提供一份运费报价单。)
– Is there any possibility of reducing the freight costs?(有没有可能降低运费?)

1. Tracking the cargo(跟踪货物)
– Can you track the cargo and provide me with the updates?(能否跟踪货物并为我提供最新动态?)
– I need to know the current location of the cargo.(我需要知道货物的当前位置。)

2. Confirming the delivery(确认交付)
– Please confirm the delivery date and time of the cargo.(请确认货物的交付日期和时间。)
– When will the cargo be delivered to the designated location?(货物将何时被送达指定地点?)


关于作者: ybomx

