
1. propose to someone 向某人求婚
andrew is going to propose to his girl friend on her birthday. 安德鲁打算在女朋友生日那天向她求婚。
2. ask for someone’s hand in marriage 向某人求婚
nancy will never forget the romantic night that her husband asked her hand in marriage. 南希永远不会忘记丈夫向她求婚的那个浪漫夜晚。
3. get married 结婚
after five years of dating, they got married last month. 恋爱了三年,他们上个月结婚了。

4. get hitched 结婚
one of my roommates got hitched as soon as she graduated. 我的一个室友一毕业就结婚了。
5. tie the knot 喜结良缘
many couples decide to tie the knot on valentines day. 很多情侣决定在情人节那天结婚。
6. walk down the aisle 步入婚姻的殿堂
though accompanied by her father, she was quite nervous when she walked down the aisle. 虽然有父亲的陪伴,当她走在步入婚姻的殿堂之路上,她还是很紧张。
7. a match made in heaven 天作之合
they seemed like a match made in heaven, so it’s hard for me to believe that they really broke up. 他们俩就像是天作之合,我很难相信他们真的分手了。

关于作者: ybomx

