?上海翻译公司是一家有资质的翻译机构, 专注于各语种商务与技术文档翻译、网站翻译、软件本地化翻译、商务陪同口译、会议口译,同声传译,同传设备租赁服务,dtp 桌面排版,留学文书编辑,翻译盖章,听译校正等专业服务。
1. i’m not following you.
2. you made it worse.
3. don’t ask foolish questions.
4. are you satisfied?
5. i know what to expect.
6. that’s exactly what i need.
7. don’t take risks.
8. i’m in.
9. where are you headed?
10. are you going to tell me what’s goingon?
11. i’m very curious.
12. i will find out.
13. i’m only interested in facts.
14. what do you have in mind?
15. what’s the latest?
16. it’s better that way.
17. i’m just glad you’re doing ok.
18. she is very passionate about her work.
19. i can’t believe you did it.
20. it turned out great.