
1. 在图书馆借书
a: excuse me, could you help me find this book? it’s called “the great gatsby”.
b: sure, let me check the computer system for you. ah, here it is! it’s on the third floor in the fiction section.
a: thank you so much! how do i get there?
b: just take the elevator to the third floor and turn left. you’ll see a big sign that says “fiction”.

2. 在餐厅点餐
a: good evening. could i see the menu, please?
b: of course! here you are. our special tonight is grilled salmon with vegetables.
a: that sounds delicious. i’ll have that, please, along with a glass of white wine.
b: great choice! would you like any bread or salad to start?
3. 在机场办理登机手续
a: excuse me, where can i check in for my flight to paris?
b: right over there, at desk number 14. they’re currently processing passengers for flight af123.
a: thank you. and how long will it take to get through security?
b: usually about 20-30 minutes, but it depends on the crowd.
4. 在公园里询问路线
a: excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the rose garden?
b: yes, of course! you need to walk straight ahead for about five minutes, then turn left at the fountain. the rose garden is just behind it.
a: is it far from here?
b: no, it’s just a short walk away. enjoy your visit!
5. 在商店购物
a: hi, i’m looking for a pair of shoes to match this dress. do you have any suggestions?
b: absolutely! what kind of style were you thinking of?
a: something casual but stylish.
b: perfect! these boots would look great with your dress. they’re comfortable too.
a: they look perfect! can i try them on?


关于作者: ybomx

