
(一)bilingual news/双语新闻how the pandemic is changing india’s wedding business?
indian?nuptials?can be garish affairs. the groom often rides to the venue on a horse, or a royal enfield motorcycle. portable dj sets, fired up by car batteries, blare out bollywood hits.
as elsewhere, covid-19 has forced many indian couples to postpone tying the knot. it may also have changed the way they go about it. with big weddings on hold because of their super spreader potential, many informal caterers are struggling as weddings are put off.?online services, by contrast, are thriving. matrimony.com, one of the biggest, has reported a rise in revenues of at least 20%, year on year, in each of its past four quarters. and wedding platforms that help families to organize and even conduct weddings online are popping up. digitisation even extends to courtship. prospective brides and grooms can no longer introduce themselves in person. pre-wedding functions are also increasingly online.
如同其他地方一样,新冠疫情迫使许多印度新人推迟了结婚计划,同时也改变了他们举办婚礼的方式。由于大型婚礼因新冠病毒的超强传播能力而被搁置,许多不太正规的宴席承办商都在苦苦经营。相比之下,在线婚礼服务行业却在蓬勃发展。最大的在线婚礼服务网站 matrimony.com报告称,过去四个季度的收入一直保持每季度至少20%的增幅。帮助人们在线组织甚至举办婚礼的线上婚礼平台也在不断涌现。数字化甚至已经延伸至求偶环节。未来的新娘和新郎再也不能亲自做自我介绍了。越来越多的婚前活动也开始在网上进行。

关于作者: ybomx

