
practices of international trade 国际贸易实务quality of commodity 商品的品质
when signing an international sales contract, the description of commodity is the first term to stipulated concerning the quality of commodity.
1. description of commodity 品名
it is actually a legal definition of the subject matter in the transaction.
2. quality of goods 商品的品质
definition of quality of goods 品质的定义
it is the integration of? the intrinsic attributes and the outer forms or shapes of goods. the former includes the physical, mechanical, biological and natural properties and chemical compositions of goods, while the later includes shape, color transparency or style of the goods.
quality requirements – iso9000 standard 对品质的要求——iso9000标准
the iso series of standards are adopted by 60 countries an regions as the national standards and regarded as the technical basis of mutual recognition and confirming quality assurance capacity in international economic and technological cooperation.
3. methods of stipulating quality of goods 品质的表示方法

关于作者: ybomx

