

1. 申请材料准备(Preparing Application Documents)


a) “I’m applying for a permanent resident visa/citizenship.”(我正在申请永久居民签证/公民身份。)
b) “I have gathered all the necessary documents.”(我已经收集了所有必需的文件。)
c) “Here is my passport/ID card/birth certificate.”(这是我的护照/身份证/出生证明。)
d) “I have filled out the application form completely.”(我已经完整地填写了申请表。)
e) “Do I need to provide any additional documents?”(我需要提供额外的文件吗?)

2. 面试(Interview)


a) “I’m here for the immigration interview.”(我来参加移民面试。)
b) “Please let me know if there’s any additional information you need.”(如果有需要提供的额外信息,请告诉我。)
c) “May I know what kind of questions will be asked in the interview?”(请问面试中会问什么样的问题?)
d) “I have prepared the necessary documents to support my application.”(我已准备好支持我的申请所需的文件。)
e) “I’m confident in my eligibility for immigration.”(我对自己的移民资格有信心。)

3. 解答疑问(Answering Questions)


a) “Could you please clarify the question?”(您能否解释一下这个问题?)
b) “I’m not sure about the exact date, but it was around that time.”(我不确定具体的日期,但大约是那个时候。)
c) “Yes, I have studied the country’s official language.”(是的,我已学习了该国的官方语言。)
d) “I have lived in different countries due to my job.”(由于工作原因,我曾在不同的国家生活。)
e) “I have completed the required medical examination.”(我已完成所需的体检。)

4. 补充信息(Providing Additional Information)


a) “I can provide additional documents to support my application.”(我可以提供额外的文件来支持我的申请。)
b) “Please let me know the deadline for submitting the additional information.”(请告知我提供额外信息的截止日期。)
c) “Is there a specific format or template for the additional documents?”(额外文件需要特定的格式或模板吗?)
d) “Should I send the documents by mail or email?”(是通过邮寄还是电子邮件发送文件?)
e) “I will make sure to submit the requested information as soon as possible.”(我会尽快提交所要求的信息。)


关于作者: ybomx

