


A: Hi, I would like to order some food for delivery.
B: Sure, can I have your address, please?
A: I live at 123 Main Street, Apartment 4C.
B: Great. What would you like to order?
A: I would like a large pizza with mushrooms and peppers, and a side of garlic bread.
B: Anything to drink with your order?
A: Yes, I would like a bottle of cola.
B: Alright, your order will be delivered in approximately 30 minutes. Thank you for choosing our restaurant!
A: Thank you!

A: Hi, I would like to order some food for pick-up.
B: Of course! What can I get for you today?
A: I would like a chicken Caesar salad with extra dressing, please.
B: Sure. Anything else?
A: Yes, I also want a chicken sandwich with fries on the side.
B: Great. Your order will be ready in 15 minutes. Thank you for choosing our restaurant!
A: Thank you!

A: Hi, I would like to place an order for delivery.
B: Sure, where are you located?
A: I’m currently staying at the XYZ Hotel, Room 505.
B: Got it. What would you like to order?
A: I would like a bowl of hot and sour soup and a plate of fried rice with chicken.
B: Do you need any utensils or napkins with your order?
A: Yes, please include them.
B: Alright, your order will be delivered to your room in around 40 minutes. Thank you for choosing our restaurant!
A: Thank you!

A: Hi, I would like to order some food for a large group.
B: Sure! How many people are in your group?
A: We have ten people in total.
B: Great. What dishes would you like to order?
A: We would like two servings of sweet and sour pork, two servings of kung pao chicken, and three servings of vegetable fried rice.
B: Any dietary restrictions or special requests?
A: No, everyone can have everything.
B: Alright, your order will be ready for pick-up in 45 minutes. Thank you for choosing our restaurant!
A: Thank you!

A: Hi, I would like to place an order for delivery.
B: Sure, can you provide me with your phone number?
A: My phone number is 123-456-7890.
B: Great. What would you like to order?
A: I would like a medium pepperoni pizza, a side of chicken wings, and a salad.
B: Okay, your order will be delivered to you within 30 minutes. Thank you for choosing our restaurant!
A: Thank you!

通过以上的情景对话,我们可以看到,在不同的场景中如何准确地点外卖。掌握这些简单的英语对话可以帮助你解决点外卖时可能遇到的困难,提高外卖点餐的便利性。无论是在办公室、在家里还是在旅行中,你都能轻松享受美味的外卖食品。 希望这些对话对你有所帮助,祝你点外卖愉快!

关于作者: ybomx

