
这是亲子英语启蒙小tips系列(二),此系列一切文章,均由i can read新加坡学术团队自创撰写。英语原版可以下拉查看哦~


今日修改要和我们共享的是,6个由i can read新加坡学术团队预备的超简略无需道具的亲子互动游戏。这些游戏不只能训练孩子的英语才能,一起还能让家长孩子在游戏互动中享受夸姣的亲子韶光!







在和孩子一同朗读英文童谣的时分,必定要将押韵的单词大声地读出来,以便孩子能听到童谣的特别之处。例如在读“the little brown cub liked to rub in the tub.” 的时分,大约偏重读“cub、rub、tub“这三个单词。那么我们一同来看看这句“the silly fat cat liked to sleep on the hat.”,大约偏重读哪几个单词呢?







在这个游戏中,你可以说三到五个不一样的单词,例如“please, paper, bat”,让孩子分辩出哪个词的首音与其他的单词是纷歧样的。一旦孩子可以垂手可得地找出纷歧样的首音的时分,你就可以从头选择一些尾音不一样的单词。例如“cat, fat, chair”,让孩子分辩哪个词的尾音与其他单词发音不一样。



比方当问孩子““what color is that backpack?” ,假定孩子只是简略地答复一个单词“red!”,家长就可以引导孩子说出无缺的语句“that backpack is red.”。当问孩子“where is the toy?…sentence!”,孩子可以答复“the toy is in the bathroom.” 。这样无缺的语句操练,既能让孩子在表达的时分更无缺清楚,又能必定程度前进他们的写作才能。



在家的时分,可以选择一种发音,例如“ sss”的发音。用同一种发音最初的单词构建一个语句”sally went to the sea and took a snake.”,然后让孩子为这个语句接龙:”sally went to the sea and took a snake and a strawberry.” 这个游戏可以在亲子之间轮流接龙,一向到其间一方接不上中止。

games and advice for parents who want to use english at home

1.watch cartoons and songs in english, without subtitles

children love learning through songs and videos.

2.rhyme with your child

read your child nursery rhymes in a whisper, but get loud on the rhymes so they can hear the difference. for example: “the little brown cub liked to rub in the tub.” “the silly fat cat liked to sleep on the hat.”

3.clap the syllables with your child and ask them to count the syllables in each word

when your child comes home with a vocabulary sheet – grandfather, grandmother, mom, dad, brother, sister – you can clap out the words with them to show syllables. “grand-fa-ther” has three syllables, “bro-ther” has two, and “dad” has one. once they understand that each word can have multiple syllables, ask them to count their claps.

4.same or different game

for this game, you can say three to five words – all but one will start with the same sound. for example, you can say: “please, paper, bat.” which word starts with a different sound? once a child has mastered this game, you can play with the last sound. for example, you can say: “cat, fat, chair.” which word ends with a different sound?

5.encourage your child to use full sentences

ask your child“what color is that backpack?” and say “sentence”. instead of saying “red,” your child should say “that backpack is red.” or “where is the toy?…sentence!” your child should say “the toy is in the bathroom.” you can also ask them questions about themselves, like “what do you want to eat?…sentence.” they should say “i want to eat noodles and fish.”

6.sound sentences game

single sounds are called phonemes. children must learn phonemes and how they are connected to letters before they can read and write. choose a sound – for example the “sss” sound. build a sentence with this sound: “sally went to the sea and took a snake.” then your child adds to the sentence: “sally went to the sea and took a snake and a strawberry.” go back and forth until there is a mistake.回来搜狐,查看更多


关于作者: ybomx

