中西合璧 一起生长
mutual learning,grow together
high quality courses of foreign teachers
在“根深中华 美绽世界”办学理念的引领下,华美外国语学校构建了一支具有丰厚教育经历和教育热心、并勇于立异的外教团队。本学期外语组根据学校外语特征和教育方案组织了外教优质课活动,外教教师们长于使用自个的英语母语优势,为学生供给真实的言语交流环境,真真实教育上做到安身于言语,运用于交流,前进为文明。
in this semester, the english department arranged quality class activities for foreign teachers according to the teaching plan of the school. foreign teachers are good at using their native english advantages to provide students with a real language communication environment, and truly achieved excellent on language teaching.
recently, the esl teachers quality classes have been carried out the two weeks. the content is mainly focus on the important knowledge, from the perspective of subject knowledge and application, and striving to establish a strong practical language environment for children. while encouraging students to actively participate in classroom activities.
come and join the wonderful classes with us !
the usage of “have to”
在carla 教师的揭露展示课上,她给三大学的学生教授“have to”的用法,经过图像回想、游戏、歌曲、拼读、问答、扮演等方法,将教育内容贯穿整节课堂,不只次序规整,且节奏合理,体现了教师厚实的教育技能和根柢功。一起,carla教师非常注重与学生的互动和交流,耐性且详尽,让每位孩子都有领会参加的机缘。
carla pays great attention to the interaction and communication with students. she is patient and meticulous, so that every child has the opportunity to experience and participate.
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alan is full of energy and emotion which is greatly arouse students’ interest for learning.
ratios of three quantities
eddy教师在课堂初始期间,协助学生think aloud,前进英语语感;随后,他以英语作为东西学习数学,树立数学思维,环绕一个常识点整节课堂重复操练,讲练联系。在学生们的操练进程中,他走下讲台,深化学生傍边,及时发现疑问,当堂详尽辅导,是一位极具耐性的数学教师。
eddy is focusing on how to establish students maths mind while using english as their learning language. he designed several patterns of exercises and explained the core part afterwards.
daniel gave us a wonderful experience of how to play british rugby.the class is designed delicately and efficiently as well.
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eric adopted tpr teaching method in his class and teaching with a proper tone. the ppt is also full of interest which is suit for the students’ level.
in the discussion after the demonstration, teachers had a one-to-one discussion and sharing on “teaching strategies on how to achieve learning objectives” — “classroom routine and management” — “classroom time management” — “differentiated teaching” — “teaching strategies with high participation” — “stimulating students’ critical thinking and cooperative consciousness”.
this teaching and research activity not only builds a teaching and research platform for each teacher, but also provides opportunities for chinese and foreign teachers to learn from each other and share with each other. it also integrates chinese and foreign teachers’ teams and gives each teacher a sense of belonging and identity.
chinese and foreign educational concepts and diverse educational styles converge fully, and all of the teachers explore the infinite possibilities of education together.
we are confident to go further,hoping that more children can learn english knowledge, experience english culture and feel the beauty of english.回来搜狐,查看更多