中国拥有五千年的文明发展史,中华优秀传统文化是中国文化的主体部分,是先辈们传承下来的丰厚的历史文化遗产。它不仅记录了中华民族和中国文化发生、演化的历史,而且作为世代相传的思维方式、价值观念、行为准则、风俗习惯, 渗透在每个中国人的血脉中,影响着今日之中国人的思维方式和行为方式。
基于此, 英语教师应从课堂做起,将中华优秀传统文化融入教学,这不仅能够丰富教学内容、增强学生兴趣,更能培养学生的家国情怀,为培养具有创新精神和优秀的跨文化交际人才奠定基础。
● 绝大部分学生对中华优秀传统文化学习有兴趣,并且学习兴趣较高。
● 绝大部分学生认为在英语课中融合中华优秀传统文化有必要,并认为应该学习和发扬优秀传统文化。
● 大多数学生认为在英语课中融合中华优秀传统文化的意义是用英文传播文化,拓宽知识面的同时增强民族自豪感,培养爱国情怀。
● 大部分学生希望通过英语课中丰富的中华优秀传统文化资源激发自己的学习兴趣。
● 大多数英语课堂中,中西方文化是有分裂现象的,学生获取中华优秀传统文化知识的途径较为单一。
● 大多数英语教师在授课时,偶尔会渗透中华优秀传统文化知识,并且多为书上内容。
● 大部分学生不会或只能用英语介绍一点中华优秀传统文化。
● 学生希望在英语课中学习传统节日习俗、名胜古迹、民间艺术、饮食文化、中华经典故事等内容,并希望开展古诗词翻译创作活动。
● 大部分学生更愿意通过情境对话、角色扮演及小组交流讨论的形式学习中华优秀传统文化。
the early bird catches the worm.
pride goes before, and shame comes after.
no aware of the spring morning,
i hear birds singing everywhere.
how many flowers have withered,
in the wind and rain last night?
此外,可以结合书中的故事,引出相关谚语。如教授人教版一年级起点五上 make friends 故事内容时,主人公小狗选择朋友总挑三拣四,嫌弃大象体格庞大,嫌弃蝴蝶微不可见。学完故事后, 请学生利用谚语,总结几条给主人公的建议,孩子们提到:
every man has his faults.
everything has its strengths and weaknesses.
when three are walking together, i am sure to find teachers among them. i will select their good qualities and follow them.
you say that you love rain,
but you open your umbrella when it rains.
you say that you love the sun,
but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.
you say that you love the wind,
but you close your windows when wind blows.
this is why i am afraid,
you say that you love me too.
假期前后,在课堂上留出时间,让学生查找国内的旅游胜地,并就当地民俗民风做简单介绍,如蔚县以剪纸和打铁花闻名,陕西以秦腔唱调和面食闻名等。 这一任务设计使得学生兴趣浓厚,很容易记住自己感兴趣的旅行地名称和习俗,久而久之,学生们收集到很多旅行胜地及传统风俗知识,学生们也会在写作中进行拓展延伸。
此外,遇到合适的教材内容,可以有意识地渗透传统文化知识。如人教版一年级起点英语四年级上册 travel plans 讲授杭州时,利用 《饮湖上初晴后雨》作为导入,引导孩子们思考古诗中描述的是哪个旅行胜地,然后出示西湖的四季美景,利用四句古诗 “花满苏堤柳满烟”、“红衣绿扇映清波”、“一色湖光万顷秋”、“白堤一痕青花墨” 请孩子说一说四句诗分别描述了西湖的哪个季节,能看到什么景物,有什么感受等,从而引导学生充分体会和全方位感受西湖之美。之后,给孩子们讲述西湖十景和《白蛇传》的民间传说,使孩子们对西湖有更加全面深入的了解。
在介绍旅行意愿的的时候,学生写到:i want to go to the west lake. i want to see the beautiful scenery around the lake and i want to row a boat. the scenery there is beautiful all year around. i heard a legend about dragon and phoenix in the west lake. i think it’s romantic and mystic. i also want to drink longjing tea and visit the silk museum. they are famous in hangzhou.
学生围绕西湖,叙述了唯美优美的传说、龙井茶和丝绸博物馆等特色。 这样的练习使学习更加立体,孩子们对于中华文化的知识积累和语言表达也更加丰富。
再比如学习英国白金汉宫时,结合中国的故宫, 请学生对比两个国家皇宫的不同之处。学生通过搜集资料发现,欧洲的皇宫多着力在二维的平面和三维的立体结构,重视的是建筑整体与局部,以及局部之间的比例、均衡、韵律等形式美原则,而我国的皇宫讲究的是对称的、有规律的走向,每一处宫殿都由若干单座建筑和一些围廊、围墙之类环绕成一个个庭院而组成。重要的建筑都安置在纵轴线上,次要房屋安置在它左右两侧的横轴线上。 中国传统建筑无论大小通常都有这样预定规划,有着对称的和谐之美。
与许多国家相比,中餐相对更加丰富多彩。因此,在讲授与食物相关的内容时,可以教学生一些常见的中餐英文表达并与西餐作对比,比如中餐的主食多为 steamed bread、rice porridge、rice、dumplings;而西餐主食多为 hamburger、bread、sandwich。中餐特色食物包括 roast duck、hot pot、spring rolls 等;而西方特色食物包括 hot dog, pizza, beef steak 等。
笔者还会在课上模拟真实的点餐环境,让学生体会中餐和西餐不同的用餐环境及用餐礼仪。如中餐用筷子,西餐用刀叉;中餐厅比较热闹,大家喜欢边吃边聊;西餐厅则比较安静……从而将课本中所学的语言和真实的生活构成联系。比如学习 ordering food 时,上课伊始在教室中创设餐馆就餐情境,为与点餐相关的语言学习做好准备;课上利用菜单和不同的饮食文化进行点餐的语言操练,帮助学生感知、体验、运用语言;课后排演点餐模拟剧,贴近生活,巩固语言。孩子们沉浸在这样一种充盈着中华饮食文化气息的氛围中,英语学习的欲望被充分激发,真正做到了学以致用。
语言学习的最终目的是运用。关于传统文化的英文表述,学生必须在实践中运用,方能达到掌握语言、接受传统文化熏陶的目的。因此, 笔者积极创造实践和锻炼的平台,使学生在活动中实践所学,激发兴趣,获得学习成就感和民族自豪感。
为了体现学生 “用英语讲好中国故事” 这一理念,我校开展了两届英语故事达人赛活动,鼓励学生坚持进行英语阅读的习惯,提高学生的英语表达能力,鼓励学生用英文讲述中国传统故事,同时搭设平台展示学生的英语风采。
孩子们为全校师生带来了一场视觉和听觉的盛宴。经过层层选拔,进入决赛的选手们在语篇深度和题材广度上下功夫。他们的朗诵围绕中国传统文化, 大到家国情怀、四大名著、传统技艺,小到民间传说、古诗英译、成语故事,题材丰富,围绕时事、历史、体育、艺术、名人、中华传统故事等多个角度开展讲述。
环节一:春 节——了解文化传承
师:hello, boys and girls! i’m coco. welcome to my english class. i’m very happy to welcome a new student today.
jenny:hello, everyone. my name is jenny. i’m nine years old. i’m from sweden. i live in dalian now. hello, coco. i’m very interested in china, can you tell me more about china?
师:of course, jenny. today we’ll talk about chinese festivals.
jenny:wow, that’s so great. thank you.
师:you’re welcome. there are many festivals in china. first, let’s know more about chinese new year, we also call it the spring festival. it has a long history, more than 4000 years. the spring festival is the most important one for chinese people.
jenny:the spring festival is lively. coco, what do chinese people usually do to celebrate it?
师:ok, let’s know more about it together. look. sam’s family are coming to daming’s home at chinese new year. what do they do at chinese new year?
视频:(课文“happy new year!” )
生:they eat dumplings at chinese new year.
师:i like dumplings. they look like “yuanbao”. in ancient times, people usually eat dumplings. so it becomes a kind of food culture.
生:they have firecrackers at chinese new year.
师:children like firecrackers. people set off the firecrackers to welcome the coming of the new year. in fact, we do many things to celebrate chinese new year. now, let’s listen.
师:it’s really lively. so children, are you happy.
生:yes, we are very happy.
师:we have many customs about this festival. can you remember? let’s try.
师:good job! boys and girls, do you find that“red”is the main colour of this festival? for example, firecrackers, lanterns, duilian , chinese fu , lucky money, red clothes and so on.
生:yes, they are all red.
师:because red means good luck and happiness in china.
jenny:the spring festival is really very interesting. i like it. all the things are red at this festiva. can i call it a red festival?
师:that’s right.
jenny:is there a green, blue or yellow festival?
师:yes, i think maybe we have a green festival. look, jenny!
jenny:what’s this? it’s green.
生:jenny, this is rice dumpling, zongzi . we can eat rice dumplings at the dragon boat festival.
师:great! our chinnese also call it duanwu festival, duanyang festival or double fifth festival.
jenny:coco, can you tell me more about it?
师:ok. to know more about it, we should know the following three questions. when is the dragon boat festival? who is the dragon boat festival to remember? what do we do at the dragon boat festival? now, let’s watch a video.
师:that is the origin of the dragon boat festival. now, can you answer the questions? when is the dragon boat festival? please have a try.
生:the fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the dragon boat festival.
师:good try! let’s go on. who is the dragon boat festival to remember?
生:qu yuan.
师:very good. the dragon boat festival is a day to remember qu yuan, who was a great patriotic poet in the chinese history. the last one,what do we do at the dragon boat festival?
生:we eat rice dumplings and row dragon boats at the dragon boat festival.
师:good! rice dumpling is a traditional food of the dragon boat festival. and the festival is also known for its dragon boat races. since you have known more about it, can you talk about it in pairs?
师:good job!
jenny:the dragon boat festival has a long history. qu yuan is a great poet in china. people eat rice dumplings and row dragon boats to remember qu yuan. i really like rice dumplings.
师:i like rice dumplings, too.
师:look, jenny, what’s in my hand?
jenny:is it a cake? it’s round and yellow, like a round moon.
师:you’re right. it looks like the moon. it’s a moon cake. you can try one.
jenny:do you eat moon cakes at the spring festival or dragon boat festival?
师:no, we eat moon cakes on a special festival. look! a beautiful full moon is bright in the sky. he is su shi. he wrote this poem when he missed his brother. do you know this traditional festival?
生:it’s the mid-autumn festival.
师:excellent! on mid-autumn day, we will miss our family and hometown. the mid-autumn festival is as important as the spring festival. and there is always a beautiful full moon which is the brightest and roundest in the whole year. there are many stories of this festival. who knows?
生:i know the story of chang’e .
师:good girl! the most popular one is“chang’e flying to the moon”. it is said that, on mid-autumn day, people can see chang’e dancing on the moon. boys and girls, how do you celebrate this festival? let’s welcome our friends. they have something to say .
生:hello, everyone. look at my picture. in the picture, there is my grandma, father, mother, sister, brother and i. we get together to have a big dinner at the mid-autumn festival. we enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes. we are very happy. i love my family.
师:well done! on mid-autumn day, families get together to have a big dinner. it’s a day for family reunion. family is very important to chinese.
生: hi, this is my picture. on mid-autumn day, my parents and i go back to our hometown. we get together with my grandparents. my hometown is dalian. it’s a beautiful seaside city. i love my hometown.
师: wonderful! as the saying goes “the moon in your hometown is always the brightest and roundest.” no matter where you are, east or west, home is the best.
jenny:it’s a lovely festival. the mooncakes are yummy. change’s story is amazing. our classmates’ pictures are wonderful. i learned a lot and i’m very happy now.
师:i’m very glad you’re happy in china. the longer you stay in china, the more you’ll love china. look at the people, they are so happy. where are they?
生:they’re at the tian’anmen square. i can see some national flags and smiling faces.
生:it’s our national day! and it’s a festival for all chinese people to celebrate. so everyone is happy.
师:you’re so great! look at the picture. do you know this great man?
生:he is chairman mao.
师:right! on october 1st 1949, the great leader mao zedong, announced the foundation of the people republic of china. now, let’s review it.
生:wow, it’s amazing!
师:yes, therefore, october 1st is our national day. it’s a great day for chinese. some children can’t wait to share something about national day with us. let’s have a look.
师:the girl want to go to the tian’anmen square. how about you?
生:me, too!
师:ok, let’s go to the tian’anmen square together.
师::after watching the video, what do you think of it?
生:i’m so excited! our motherland is very beautiful and strong.
生:china is very big, and we are united.
生:i’m proud that i’m chinese. best wishes to my country.
生:i love you, china!
师:i’m proud of you, children. i believe our country will become stronger and stronger. bless you, my motherland.
jenny:october 1st is china’s national day. people are very happy. i also want to go to beijing. china is really a great country.
师:yes, jenny. china welcomes friends from all over the world.
jenny:thank you, coco. in this class, i know the spring festival, the dragon boat festival, the mid-autumn festival and national day. are there any other festivals in china?
师:of course, jenny. we also have the lantern festival, the qingming festival, the double seventh festival, the double ninth festival and so on. chinese festivals include history, culture and spirit. only if we know more about them, we can know more about china. as we know, chinese people are very warm-hearted, and we’ll give friends some presents. today, i’ll give jenny and all of you a special present. i hope you’ll have a nice day!
本课教师聚焦思维自觉性、深刻性、批判性、灵活性、创造性的培养目标,通过教学问题、环节的设计积极塑造学生良好的思维品质。如,使用思维可视化工具即the customs of the spring festival的思维导图,训练学生思维的完整性;教师在引导学生得出the spring festival is a red festival. 后激发学生生成新的问题is there a green, blue or yellow festival? 巧用通感丰富学生对节日的多元理解,训练学生思维的灵活性与创造性;课程结束时教师引导学生认识中国节日蕴涵的厚重历史、文化与民族精神,培养学生思维的深刻性。
本课通过视频、音频和图片等多媒体资料,引导学生感受传统节日的内在情怀,帮助他们树立正确的世界观、价值观。同时教学也指向于学生学习能力的习得。本课在学习了解春节、端午节的风俗习惯之后,进入中秋节的学习时,教师更多是运用方法的迁移与指导,用问题boys and girls, how do you celebrate this festival?为学生搭建自主学习的脚手架、语言输出的平台,以培养学生用所学知识解决新问题的能力。
⑧此例作为“课堂立德树人”精品创新课,在2020年中国教育电视台课堂直播栏目《名师课堂》上展播。唐国君,北京小学大连经济技术开发区华润海中国分校;课程 设计导师:李铁安,中国教育科学研究院研究员。
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