

    传统中国节日:traditional chinese festival
    农历:lunar calendar

3.腊八节:laba festival
4.小年:little new year
5.除夕:lunar new year’s eve
【辞旧岁】 bid farewell to the old year
6.春节:the spring festival
7.正月初一:lunar new year’s day
8.元宵节:the lantern festival
【吃元宵】 eat rice dumplings
春节会一直持续到元宵节(the lantern festival),即正月十五这一天。在这一天,人们会用糯米搓元宵,再填入各色的馅(fillings)。人们在元宵节不仅会吃元宵,还会逛灯会(lantern show)等等。过了元宵节,春节就基本结束了。
9.正月:the first month of the lunar year
10.二月二:dragon heads-raising day
11.喝腊八粥:eat laba porridge
12.扫尘:house cleaning;sweep the dust
13.扫房:spring cleaning
14.祭灶:kitchen god worshipping; offer sacrifices to the god of kitchen
在腊月二十三(the 23rd of the twelfth month of the lunar year)这天,灶王爷(kitchen god)要升天向玉帝(the supreme deity)禀报这一家人在这一年中的善恶,玉帝由此决定是否要赐福与这一家人。因此,人们就在厨房供奉瓜果甜点,以期灶王能够向玉帝美言,使他们来年幸福美满。
15. 守岁 stay up late/shousui
相传有一种怪兽“年”, 每逢腊月三十晚上,它便窜出山林,掠食噬人。人们只好备些肉食放在门外,然后把大门关上,躲在家里,直到初一早晨,“年”饱餐后扬长而去,人们才开门相见,作揖道喜,互相祝贺。有一年,年又来到村子,人们发现它怕红色的东西和响声。于是又一年,当年来之前,人们在门上贴红纸,挂红灯笼,年来了,人们用空心竹子做的炮仗往地上摔,发出响亮的声音,终于,年被赶跑了。后来,中国民间在除夕就有了守岁、放鞭炮(set off firecrackers)、拜年的习俗。
16.拜年:pay a new year’s call
通常,在正月初一这天,家长会带领小朋友走街串巷,拜贺亲朋。小辈会磕头致礼(kowtow to sb.),长辈则回以点心、压岁钱(lucky money)。
17.祭祖:offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors
18.祭财神:worship the god of wealth
19.春联:spring festival couplets
贴春联 post spring festival couplets
每逢春节,家家户户都要精选一幅大红春联贴于门上,用工整精巧的文字抒发美好愿望。春联是对联的一种,同样分为上联(the first line of a couplet)、下联(the second line of a couplet)以及横批(the top scroll)。
20.贴倒福:paste the chinese character “fu” upside down
21.去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune
22.辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year
25.烧香:burn incense
阖 家 团 圆
26.吃团圆饭:have a family reunion dinner
27.年夜饭:new year’s eve dinner
吃年夜饭 have chinese new year’s eve dinner
年三十这一天,也就是除夕(chinese new year’s eve),对中华文化圈中的人而言意义重大,忙碌了一整年,终于可以和家人团聚(get together)。人们会围坐在一起一边观看春节联欢晚会(spring festival gala),一边享用一顿丰盛的年夜饭。常见的年夜饭菜肴有:预示来年红红火火的火锅(hot pot)、象征年年有余的鱼类、代表有好彩头的菜头(萝卜),还有饺子(dumpling)、馄饨(wonton)等等各异的南北美食。
28.全家团圆:family reunion
29.办年货:do spring festival shopping
30.敬酒:propose a toast
31.穿新衣:wear new clothes
32.红包:red envelops
33.压岁钱:gift money;money given to children as a lunar new year gift; lucky money
【压岁钱】in the old days, new year’s money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth。
美 食 小 吃
34.年糕:rice cake;new year cake
35.饺子:dumplings;chinese meat ravioli
36.汤圆:dumplings made of sweet rice
37.八宝饭:eight-treasure rice pudding (steamed glutinous rice with bean paste, lotus seeds, preserved fruit, etc.)
38.什锦糖:assorted candies
39.糖莲子:candied lotus seed
40.花生糖:peanut candy
41.蜜冬瓜:candied winter melon
42.瓜子:red melon seeds
44.红枣:red dates
45.春卷:spring roll
46.冰糖葫芦:candied haws on a stick
47.驴肉火烧:d burger
48.腊肠:chinese sausage
49.米酒:rice wine
50.腊肉:preserved meat
51.糖板栗:sugar chestnut
52.四喜丸子:four-joy meatballs
民 间 艺 术
53.泥人:clay figure
54.皮影戏:shadow puppetry
55.木偶戏:puppet show
58.中国结:chinese knot
59.年画:new year painting
60.吹糖人:sugar-figure blowing
61.舞龙:dragon dance
62.舞狮:lion dance
63.秧歌:yongko dance;rural folk dance
曲 艺 表 演
65.戏曲:traditional opera
66.折子戏:opera highlights
67.相声:comic dialogue;cross talk
69.口技:vocal imitations;ventriloquism
70.杂技:acrobatic performance
71.马戏:circus performance
72.京韵大鼓:drum song of peking
73.踩高跷:walk on stilts
74.杂耍:variety show;vaudeville
娱 乐 活 动
75.打麻将:play mahjong
76.庙会:temple fair
77.春节联欢晚会:spring festival gala
78.灯会:exhibit of lanterns
79.送贺卡:send new year’s greeting cards
80.理发:have a haircut
81.放烟花:set off fireworks
82.放鞭炮:set off firecrackers
83.灯谜:riddles written on lanterns
各 路 神 仙
84.门神:the god of door
85.灶神:the god of kitchen
86.财神:the god of wealth
87.土地爷:the god of land
88.火神:the god of fire
89.喜神:the god of happiness
90.福禄寿三星:the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity
91.八仙:the eight immortals
其 他
92.生肖、属相:chinese zodiac
93.猪年:the year of the pig
94.微信红包:wechat red envelope
95.年:nian;year monster
96.立春:start of spring
97.24节气:24 solar terms
98.本命年:the animal year in which one was born
99.春运:spring festival travel rush
treasures fill the home.
business flourishes.
peace all year round.
wishing you prosperity.
harmony brings wealth.
may all your wishes come true.
everything goes well.
the country flourishes and people live in peace.
money and treasures will be plentiful.
wishing you every success promoting to a higher position.
safe trip wherever you go.
wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!
wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!
may the joy of new year be with you throughout the year.
peace and love for you at new year from all your students.
wishing you a sparkling new year and bright happy new year! may the season bring much pleasure to you.
wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful new year season.

“腊八”一般可以直接用拼音“laba”来表示,后面进一步说明这一天是农历十二月初八(the eighth day of the 12th lunar month)即可。因为腊八节有喝腊八粥(laba rice porridge)的传统,所以也可以简单介绍说这天又称the laba rice porridge festival。the 12th lunar month in chinese is called la yue, so the eighth day of this lunar month is la yue chu ba, or laba. the day is also known as the laba rice porridge festival. the laba this year falls on jan 2.
three major customs on laba are ancestor worship, eating laba rice porridge and making laba garlic.
the worship of ancestors, called “腊” in chinese, and the sacrifice for the gods, called “蜡”, both frequently took place in the 12th month, which led to the traditional name of the month: la yue. and the day of sacrifice is called la ri.
腊八粥最早出现在宋朝(960 – 1279)的一本书中。据记载,京城的寺庙开始用各种谷物和坚果煮腊八粥,并把它们送给游客。在北京雍和宫分发腊八粥是这一天最著名的活动之一。在腊八节的清晨,许多游客和当地居民冒着严寒在寺庙门口排队,等着拿到一碗粥。这一传统早在清朝(1636 – 1912)就开始了。在过去的几千年里,腊八节的庆祝活动逐渐从宫廷扩展到普通人。今天,人们在寺庙里排队,不仅要分享一碗粥,还要成为传统的一部分,分享新年的喜悦和期待。
laba porridge was first mentioned in a book from the song dynasty (960 – 1279). according to the record, temples in the capital started to cook laba porridge with various types of grains and nuts, and sent them to the visitors.
distribution of laba porridge at yonghe lamasery, popularly known as the lama temple, in beijing is one of the most famous activities on the day. many tourists as well as local residents brave the cold and line up at the doorstep of the temple, waiting to get a bowl of porridge in the early morning of the laba festival. the tradition started as early as in the qing dynasty (1636 – 1912).
the celebration of laba festival gradually spread from the court to the ordinary people during the past thousands of years. today, waiting in queues at the temples, people are expected to not just share a bowl of porridge, but be a part of the tradition and share the joys and expectations of the coming year.?
在腊八当天,一定要喝一碗热乎乎的腊八粥(laba porridge),讨个好彩头。我国喝腊八粥的历史,已有一千多年。
the main ingredients of the laba porridge are rice and sticky rice; people also add sugar, red dates, lotus seeds, walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, longans, hazelnuts, raisins, red beans, peanuts, water caltrops, roseleaf and other various materials to make the porridge special.
我们在课文里学到的“粥”的基本英文就是porridge。朗文词典对其解释为:soft cereal that is cooked with milk or water,更贴近于我们理解的燕麦粥。
此外,do (one’s) porridge还有“服刑,坐牢”的意思。
he did ten years porridge for armed robbery.他因持械抢劫被判入狱十年。
也是粥,不过指“稀粥”,特别是过去穷人或病人吃的一种稀薄的粥:thin oatmeal that was eaten in the past by poor or sick people。
they are fed a few grains of rice boiled into gruel a couple of times a day.他们每天只吃两次用很少大米煮成的稀饭。
congee一词有些词典并没有收录,剑桥词典对其解释为:a kind of thick chinese soup made with rice,更好理解的翻译是“大米粥”,即我们中国传统意义上的粥。
congee is often eaten with fried bread sticks known as youtiao.大米粥常配油条吃。
millet gruel
glutinous rice porridge
江米属于糯米的一种,香糯黏滑,因此被译为“glutinous rice”。
oatmeal porridge
燕麦片因为燕麦属于谷物(cereal)的一种,所以一碗燕麦粥也可以说a bowl of cereal。
八宝粥其实就是腊八粥,即糯米加红小豆、莲子、桂圆、红枣、花生米等熬制的甜粥。但如今即便不是腊八,我们也常喝八宝粥。如果你硬要翻译“八宝粥”,那可以译为“eight-treasured rice porridge”。
中国华北大部分地区在腊月初八这天有用醋泡蒜的习俗,叫“腊八蒜”(laba garlic)。
腊八粥:laba rice porridge;祭祀祖先:ancestor worship;起源于佛教:of buddhist origin;驱邪:exorcize evil;红枣:red dates

falling on the 15th day of the first lunar month, lantern festival is the first significant feast after chinese new year, so called because the most important activity during the night of the event is watching various wonderful chinese lanterns.元宵节是农历正月十五,它是春节之后第一个重要的节日,(英文)之所以这样称呼是因为当晚最重要的活动是观赏各种各样美丽的灯笼。the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night ‘xiao’. the 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. so the day is also called yuan xiao festival in china.因为正月叫元月,古代称夜为“宵”,正月十五是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以这一天在中国也被称为元宵节。for its rich and colorful activities, it is regarded as the most recreational among all the chinese festivals and a day for appreciating the bright full moon, and family reunion.元宵节活动丰富多彩,被认为是中国所有节日中最具娱乐性的节日,也是赏月、团聚的日子。
customs and activities 习俗与活动

with a history of over 2,000 years, various traditional customs and activities are held during lantern festival that appeal to people of different ages, including watching lanterns and fireworks, guessing lantern riddles, performing folk dances, and eating yuanxiao.元宵节有2000多年的历史,各种传统习俗和活动吸引了不同年龄的人,包括观赏灯笼和烟花,猜灯谜、表演民间舞蹈,以及吃元宵。
01watching lanterns 赏花灯
during the han dynasty (206 bc – 220 ad), buddhism flourished in china. so in order to popularize buddhism, one of the emperors gave an order to light lanterns in the imperial palace to worship and show respect for buddha on the 15th day of the first lunar month. during the tang (618 – 907), song (960 – 1279), ming (1368 – 1644) and qing (1644 – 1911) dynasties, lighting lanterns became a tradition for chinese people.汉代(公元前206年—公元220年),佛教在中国盛行。于是,为了推广佛教,一位皇帝下令在正月十五这一天在皇宫里燃灯,供奉佛祖。在唐(618 – 907)、宋(960 – 1279)、明(1368 – 1644)和清(1644 – 1911)朝代,燃灯成为中国人的传统。today, when the festival comes, red lanterns can be seen in the street, in each house, and store. in the parks, lanterns of various shapes and types attract countless visitors. visitors marvel that various lanterns so vividly demonstrate traditional chinese folklore.现在,到了元宵节的时候,大街上、家门口、商店里都会挂上红灯笼。在公园里,各种形状和类型的灯笼吸引了无数的游客,各式各样的灯笼如此生动地展示了中国的传统民俗,令人十分惊叹。
02guessing lantern riddles猜灯谜
beginning from the song dynasty (960 – 1279), guessing riddles is regarded as an indispensable part of the lantern festival. people write all kinds of riddles on pieces of paper, and paste them on colorful lanterns to let visitors guess. if one has an answer to a riddle, he can pull the paper to let organizers verify the answer. gifts are presented to the people who get the right answers.从宋朝(960 – 1279)开始,猜灯谜就被视为元宵节不可或缺的一部分。人们把各种各样的谜语写在纸条上,贴在五颜六色的灯笼上,让游客猜。如果一个人有谜语的答案,他可以扯下纸条让组织者验证答案,猜对的人会得到礼物。because this intellectual activity is exciting, people from all walks of life enjoy it.因为这种智力活动令人兴奋,各行各业的人都很喜欢。
03lion dance 舞狮子
derived from the three kingdoms period (220-280), the lion dance is an excellent traditional art that adds infinite fun to any celebration including the lantern festival. two performing types have formed during its long development. in north china, the lion dance focuses on skills, and in the south the lion dance pays more attention to the animal resemblance. 舞狮起源于三国时期(220-280),是一种优秀的传统艺术,为包括元宵节在内的任何庆祝活动增添了无限的乐趣,在其漫长的发展过程中形成了两种表演类型。在中国北方,狮舞注重技巧,而在南方,狮舞更注重动物的形似。one actor manipulates a small lion made of quilts resembling a real one, and with two persons acting like a big lion, one manages the head part and the other, the rest. under the guidance of a director, the lions sometimes jump, leap, and do difficult acts such as walking on stilts.一个演员操纵着一只用棉布做成的小狮子,就像真的狮子一样,另外两个人扮演一只大狮子,一个负责头部,另一个负责其余部分。在指挥者的指导下,这些狮子有时会做出腾跃、跳跃,以及其他一些高难度的动作,例如蹬高。because the acting is always amusing, spectators enjoy it very much. according to ancient custom, the lion is a symbol of boldness and strength that can protect people, so by performing the lion dance, everyone prays for an auspicious and happy life.因为表演总是很有趣,观众非常喜欢。根据古代习俗,狮子是勇敢和力量的象征,可以保护人们,因此,通过舞狮,每个人都

04walking on stilts 踩高跷
walking on stilts, another folk art, traces its origins to the spring and autumn period (770bc – 476bc). performers not only walk on stilts by binding them to their feet, but also do some breathtakingly difficult moves. as actors impersonate different characters like monks, clowns, and fishermen and perform vivid and humorous acts, the art amuses many people.踩高跷是另一种民间艺术,它的起源可以追溯到春秋时期(公元前770 – 476)。表演者们不仅要把高跷绑在脚上走,还会做一些极其高难度的动作。由于演员扮演不同的角色,如僧侣、小丑和渔民,并表演生动和幽默的行为,这种艺术使许多人感到有趣。
05eating yuanxiao 吃元宵
yuanxiao, also called tangyuan, is a dumpling ball made of sticky rice flour stuffed with different fillings. eating yuanxiao has become an essential part of the festival. the methods for making yuanxiao differ by region and fillings include sugar, rose petals, sesame, sweetened bean paste, and jujube paste. some do not have fillings. because tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed, and each has a unique taste, it is very popular.元宵,也叫汤圆,是一种用粘糯米和各种馅料做成的球团。吃元宵已经成为这个节日必不可少的一部分。制作元宵的方法因地区而异,馅料包括糖、玫瑰花瓣、芝麻、豆沙和枣泥。有些没有馅料。因为汤圆可以煮、炸或蒸,而且每一种都有独特的味道,所以很受欢迎。yuanxiao is round in shape so it is endowed with the meaning of reunion, harmony and happiness. during the night of the festival, family members sit together to taste yuanxiao and appreciate the full moon.元宵的形状是圆的,所以被赋予了
06welcoming zigu 迎紫姑
besides these activities, there is welcoming zigu (a kind and poor girl in folklore), in which women make straw and cloth images of zigu and say consoling words to her expressing people’s goodness and their pity for the poor. 除了这些活动外,还有迎紫姑(民间传说中善良而贫穷的女孩)的活动,妇女们用稻草和布扎成真人大小的紫姑肖像,对她说安慰的话,表达人们的善良和对穷人的同情。because appreciating the lanterns offers a good chance for young boys and girls to communicate with each other, the lantern festival is also regarded as chinese valentine’s day.因为赏灯为年轻的男孩和女孩提供了一个相互交流的机会,元宵节也被视为中国的情人节。

关于作者: ybomx

