
正文翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大写的字母 转载请注明出处qascott kerwin, lived in japan (1992-1997)there can be a variety of reasons.原因可能有多种。it’s a job that allows a native speaker without technical qualifications to work and live in japan. consequently only a small minority is doing it because they enjoy teaching. for the rest it’s a job, and not particularly a good one – especially if your heart is not in it.这是个不需要相关技术资格认证,只要是英语母语者就可在日本工作和生活的工作。因此,只有小部分人是因为热爱教学才做这份工作的。但是对其他人来说,这就是个不怎么样的工作而已,特别是若你志不在此时。unless they teach privately, teachers also have little control over who or what they teach. for example, for some reason i connected and excelled working with middle-aged and older people, but i had to teach everyone my company told me to – which meant children from pre-k through high school.除非他们是私下教学,否则老师们也没法掌控其教学对象或教学内容。举个栗子,不知怎的,我很会教中年人或老年人,但我必须得去教公司要求我教学的对象——即从学前班到高中年龄阶段的孩子。the lessons became so rote and boring, and the number of lessons i had to teach daily was so high, that it was difficult to bring excitement into a class – especially when you had 8 classes a day at the eikaiwa i worked at.课程内容变得很枯燥无味满是死记硬背,且我每天要上的课太多,以至于我很难调动每堂课的积极性,特别是当时在我工作的英语会话教室,我一天要上8节课。

关于作者: ybomx

