
its a date.?一言为定/就那个时间吧
its too early?太早了/还不是时候
is it too late??太晚了吗??
see you then.?回头见。?
are you ready? ready?准备好了吗??准备好了
im not ready.?还没准备好呢
when did you arrive?你什么时候到达的
you decide?你决定
when did you decide??你什么时候决定的?
lets get going.?那我们走吧
would you like to go to a movie??你想去看电影吗?
i dons going on.?我不知道发生了什么事。
whats going on.发什么了什么事
whats on tv电视上有什么节目
what do you want to see?
how long does it last??它会持续多长时间
what time is it now?现在几点了
theyre getting closer!?他们越来越近了!
getting closer越来越近
its very interesting,??它很有趣/它很有意思
its boring?太无聊了
can i sit here?我能坐这里吗?
anyone sitting here这儿有人坐嘛?
is this seat taken??这个座位有人吗
id like a ticket to canada我想要一张去加拿大的机票
were all sold out我们都卖光了
what time does movie start电影什么时候开始
where can i buy those我能在哪里买到那些
how much does it cost多少钱/要花多少钱
how much is it多少钱
how much多少/多少钱
why dont you have a seat你为什么不坐一下呢?
go for it去尽力争取吧/去试一试吧
do you want to join us?你想加入我们吗
its possible有可能/这是可能的
thats impossible那是不可能的
is anyone here有人在吗
would you like to play?你想玩吗?
there are four of us.?我们一共4个人。?
how about a drink???去喝一杯怎么样?
i need a drink.?我想去喝一杯?
would you like a drink?想喝一杯吗?/?你想喝点什么吗?
do you have any beer???有啤酒吗?
a bottles of beer?一瓶啤酒
lets have some fun.?让我们玩得开心
what are you drinking??你在喝什么?
nothing beats that !?没有比这更好的了!
another beer, please.?再来一瓶啤酒
can i have another beer, please??请给我再来一杯啤酒好吗?
can i have a beer, please??请给我一杯啤酒?
can i get a beer, please??请给我一杯啤酒好吗?
how do you like it?你觉得它怎么样?
its too strong.?太强了/太冲了/太浓了
im drunk.?我喝醉了
i drank too much.?我喝多了。?
i have a hangover.?头天的酒还没醒/我有点宿醉。
how are you so good at this?你怎么这么擅长这个
you first??你先来
ladies first?女士优先
now its my turn.?现在轮到我了。?
i cant keep up我跟不上了
i cant keep up with you?我跟不上你了
thats my specialty?这是我的专长
call an ambulance?打电话叫辆救护车
we need an ambulance?我们需要一辆救护车
get an ambulance?叫辆救护车
id like to see you try??我想看你试试
im not feeling well.?我感觉不太舒服
what are your symptoms??你的症状是什么
whats the matter??怎么了/怎么回事
whats wrong with you?你这人怎么回事啊/你哪里不对劲/你怎么了
whats wrong with me??我是怎么了/我怎么回事
is anything wrong??有什么问题吗?/出什么事了?
do you need any help??你需要帮助吗?
is there a doctor?有医生吗
i need a doctor?我需要医生
whats your problem??你有毛病啊/你怎么回事啊
let me check让我看看/让我检查一下。
did you see anything unusual??你看到什么不寻常的事了吗?
let me take your temperature让我量一下你的体温
are you taking any medications?你在服用任何药物吗
is it serious??严重吗??
are you feeling okay??你感觉还好吗/你没事吧?
do you feel alright??你觉得还好吗?
you look pale.?你的脸色苍白
are you feeling better?你感觉好点儿了吗
i feel better.?我觉得好多了
you dont look well.?你看起来不太好
i have a headache.?我头疼
i have a cold.?我感冒了
im gonna pass out?我要昏倒了/我要晕过去了
i dont feel well.?我感觉不舒服
i dont feel any better.?我感觉没有什么好转
i have a stomachache.?我肚子疼
i have diarrhea.?我拉肚子了
i feel dizzy.?我感到头晕
i have no appetite.?我没有食欲。
i dont have an appetite?我没有食欲。
my nose?我的鼻子
do i have a fever?我发烧了吗
do you have a fever??你发烧吗??
i have a fever.?我发烧了。
you dont have a fever?你没有发烧
i feel like im gonna throw up?我觉得我要吐了
im gonna throw up我要吐了
its so itchy?好痒
i broke my leg.?我腿骨折了
how long will you be gone?你要离开多久
i sprained my ankle我扭伤了脚踝

关于作者: ybomx

