VOA慢速英语美国宠物零食行业需求大涨_Pet(voa慢速英语dog talk)

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doggie desserts: ben & jerry’s enters the pet food business

the ice cream company ben & jerry’s is entering the pet food business for the first time with frozen treats for dogs. the treats, called doggie desserts, will be available for sale at u.s. food and pet stores later this month.

the treats will be sold in small containers and come in two tastes, or flavors: pumpkin with cookies and peanut butter with pretzels. the treats are made from the same products ben & jerry’s uses in milk-free desserts.

ben & jerry’s is the latest food company to start making products for pets. the number of american households with pets rose 6.5 percent between 2015 and 2020. that information comes from the trade group american pet products association.

general mills, maker of cheerios and haagen-dazs ice cream, bought the blue buffalo pet food company in 2018. in 2015, jelly maker j.m. smucker co. bought big heart pet brands, which makes meow mix cat food and milk bone dog products. smucker later bought ainsworth pet nutrition, which makes nutrish brand pet food. and in 2020, nestle bought british natural pet food brand lily’s kitchen. nestle has owned the purina pet brand since 2001.

ben & jerry’s says people 40 years of age and younger spend more money on their pets and look for pet products made with materials that even humans can eat.

lindsay bumps is a marketing specialist with ben & jerry’s. she said the company had seen the growth in pet spending and started developing its dog treats early last year. bumps added that the company checked with experts in animal nutrition and other advisors to make sure the treats are safe and easy to eat.

bumps noted that as with any treat, owners should introduce the treats to their dogs in small amounts.

the move to pet products does not mean ben & jerry’s is seeing any sales decrease on the human side. unilever, which owns ben & jerry’s, said in october that its ice cream sales for home use grew more than 10 percent in the most recent quarter. bumps noted that buyers wanted tasty treats during the pandemic and bought several containers at a time so they could make fewer food store trips.

she said, “this is an opportunity for people to treat their dogs as they’re treating themselves when they grab a pint off the shelf.”

i’m jonathan evans.


1.nutrition n.营养

loquat has a lot of nutrition and can become medicine.


2.container n.容器

i placed a sheet of plastic over the top of the container.


3.natural adj.自然的;天生的

he was not a natural leader.


4.opportunity n.机会

i grasped the opportunity to work abroad.


5.the treats, called doggie desserts, will be available for sale at u.s. food and pet stores later this month.

be available for 可获得的

the documents should be available for public scrutiny.


a copy of the report is available for you to peruse at your leisure.


6.bumps noted that as with any treat, owners should introduce the treats to their dogs in small amounts.

in small amounts 少量的

painkillers are very useful in small amounts to bring your temperature down.


beer has lots of health benefits when it’s consumed in small amounts.



ben & jerry’s 推出狗狗冰激凌

冰淇淋公司ben & jerry首次进军宠物食品市场,推出狗狗速冻食品。这种被称为“狗狗甜点”的零食将于本月晚些时候在美国食品和宠物店上市。

这种零食将装在小型容器中出售,有两种口味:南瓜饼干和花生酱椒盐脆饼。这些零食是用ben & jerry’s在无奶甜点中使用的相同材料制作的。

ben & jerry’s是最新一家开始为宠物生产产品的食品公司。从2015年到2020年,美国拥有宠物的家庭数量增长了6.5%。这一信息来自贸易组织美国宠物产品协会。

生产cheerios和哈根达斯冰淇淋的通用磨坊公司于2018年收购了blue buffalo宠物食品公司。果冻制造商 j.m. smucker co. 于 2015 年收购了生产 meow mix 和 milk bone 的 big heart 宠物品牌。smucker 后来收购了生产 nutrish品牌宠物食品的 ainsworth pet nutrition。2020年,雀巢收购了英国天然宠物食品品牌lily’s kitchen。雀巢自 2001 年以来一直拥有 purina 品牌。


ben & jerry’s表示,40岁及以下人群在宠物消费方面支出更高,并且寻找含有人类食材同等的宠物产品。

琳赛·邦普斯(lindsay bumps)是ben & jerry’s的市场营销专家。她说,公司看到了宠物消费的增长需求,从去年年初开始研发狗粮。邦普斯补充说,该公司与动物营养专家和其他顾问进行了检查,以确保这些零食是安全且易于食用。


进军宠物产品领域并不意味着ben & jerry公司在人类食物领域的销售额会下降。ben & jerry’s的母公司联合利华(unilever)在10月份表示,最近一个季度,其家用冰淇淋销量增长了10%以上。邦普斯指出,在疫情期间,顾客想要品尝美味的食物,所以一次性购置了几个容器,这样就可以减少前往食品店的次数。




关于作者: ybomx

