TuesdayswithMorries——相约星期二(英语原版小说阅读摘记…(tuesdays with morrie)

1.?????? it is the late spring of 1979, a hot, sticky saturday afternoon. 一个闷热的星期六下午
2.?????? one day he was walking along the charles river, and a cold burst of wind left him choking for air. 一阵冷风
3.?????? finally, on a hot, humid day in august 1994, morrie and his wife, charlotte, went to the neurologists office. 在一个炎热潮湿的日子
4.?????? there was an awkward moment of silence, then the two men were ushered引导 into the study.
5.?????? the sun beamed in through the dining room window, lighting up the hardwood floor.
6.?????? at first, there are a few giggles, but morrie only shrugs, and eventually a deep silence falls and we begin to notice the smallest sounds, the radiator humming?in the corner of the room, the nasal breathing of one of the fat students.
7.?????? there was a momentary silence. 一阵沉默
8.?????? he nodded toward the window with the sunshine streaming in. 阳光洒进来
9.?????? the morning sun was coming through the window behind him, falling on the pink flowers of the hibiscus木槿 plant that sat on the sill.
10.??? it was cold and damp as i walked up the steps to morries house.
11.??? the grass was wet and the sky was the color of milk.
1.?????? he has sparkling blue green eyes, thinning silver hair that spills onto his forehead, big ears, a triangular nose, and tufts of graying eyebrows. 他有一双闪亮的蓝绿色眼睛,稀疏的银发垂到额头上,大耳朵,三角形的鼻子,还有一簇灰白的眉毛。
2.?????? embarrassed, i look at my feet. 用看自己的脚来表现尴尬的心情。
3.?????? charlotte had a million thoughts running through her mind: how much time do we have left? how will we manage? how will we pay the bills? 三个问号排比,脑海中闪过很多想法念头
4.?????? i do a double take at this guy in his yellow turtleneck and green corduroy pants, the silver hair that falls on his forehead. 穿着黄色高领毛衣和绿色灯芯绒裤子的人
5.?????? his eyes got moist, and i tried to change the subject, but he dabbed轻拍 his face and waved me off.他的眼睛湿润了。
6.?????? his voice dropped to a whisper. 他的声音降到耳语一般小。
7.?????? at nine years old, he felt as if the weight of a mountain were on his shoulders. 九岁那年,他觉得肩上仿佛有一座山的重担。比喻句
8.?????? he stood next to his father, frozen with fear, hoping the boss wouldnt scream at him, too.
9.?????? i was ripped撕碎 with guilt充满罪恶感 for what i felt i should be doing for him and fueled燃料 with anger for his denying us the right to do it. 我对自己应该为他做的事感到内疚,对他拒绝我们做这件事的权利感到愤怒。
10.??? i dont want to leave the world in a state of fright. 我不想以一种惊慌失措的状态离开这个世界。
11.??? when morrie went in, she burned an angry look at him.
12.??? he closed his eyes with a peaceful look. 神情平和。
13.??? he would say when he saw me, in that foggy, high-pitched voice. 以一种模糊的、高亢的声音
14.??? morrie motioned for my hand, and as i gave it to him, i felt a surge of guilt. ?????? ?????? 、morrie示意我的手,当我递给他时,我感到一阵内疚。
15.??? he was crying again, a soft and quiet cry, and because his head was back, the tears rolled off the side of his face before they reached his lips.
1.?????? when he steps back, i see that he is crying.
2.?????? he twisted扭动 and twirled旋转, he waved his arms like a conductor on amphetamines兴奋剂, until sweat was dripping down滴下 the middle of his back.
3.?????? when the famous man entered the house, they buzzed with excitement-all except morrie, who wheeled himself forward, raised his eyebrows, and interrupted the clamor with his high, singsong voice.
4.?????? i was astonished by his complete lack of self-pity.
i shot a glance at my watch.
i raised my eyebrows.
he shrugged his shoulders.
5.?????? he smiles at me, the crinkled eyes, the crooked teeth. 他对我微笑,皱起的眼睛,弯曲的牙齿。
6.?????? i flew to detroit, arrived late in the afternoon, dragged myself home and went to sleep. 形容疲惫。
7.?????? morrie rolled his eyes and smiled.
8.?????? she stopped in the middle of the sentence, turning her head slightly, listening for something. then she continued. 表现欲言又止
1.?????? for many of us, the curtain has just come down on childhood. 对于我们中的许多人来说,童年的帷幕刚刚落下。(比喻,把大学毕业典礼比喻成童年落幕)
2.?????? as my old professor searched for answers, the disease took him over, day by day, week by week.疾病控制了他,一天天地,一周周地。
3.?????? als is like a lit candle: it melts your nerves and leaves your body a pile of wax. 比喻句,生动形象解释了als疾病的特点。
4.?????? in fact, the most unusual part of his life was about to unfold.? 事实上,他生命中最不寻常的部分即将展开。 fold折叠;unfold展开。
5.?????? i wandered around到处闲逛 my early twenties, paying rent and reading classifieds and wondering why the lights were not turning green for me. 为什么生活不给我亮起绿灯(比喻生活不顺)
6.?????? i worked at a pace that knew no hours, no limits. 我不分昼夜、没有极限地工作。
7.?????? instead, i buried myself in accomplishments, because with accomplishments, i believed i could control things. 相反,我埋头于成就之中,因为有了成就,我相信我可以控制一切。
8.?????? so many people walk around with a meaningless life. the way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loveing others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.
9.?????? sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. and if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too — even when you’re in the dark. even when you’re falling. (信任摔背游戏)
10.??? were involved in trillions of little acts just to keep going.
11.??? eva would accept nothing less than excellence in school, because she saw education as the only antidot解药 to their poverty. she herself went to night school to improve her english. morries love for education was hatched孵化 in her arms.比喻。eva没法接受不优秀的学校成绩,因为她认为教育是消除贫困的唯一良药。她自己去夜宵提高英语水平,morrie对教育的热爱也是在她的怀里孵化出来。
14.??? the fact is, there is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people may stand today if it isnt the family.
15.??? without love, we are birds with broken wings. 比喻
16.??? you know what pain is. you know what love is. you know what grief is. 排比句and only then can you say,倒装句 `all right. i have experienced that emotion. i recognize that emotion. now i need to detach from that emotion for a moment.?? grief=sorrow
17.??? it was a lesson he never forgot.
18.??? they were light on what you 对比句式
19.??? 我拥抱衰老。
20.??? there were good days and bad days now.
21.??? devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.
22.??? only an open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone. 倒装句。只有敞开心扉,你才能平等地在每个人之间浮动。
23.??? marriage. almost everyone i knew had a problem with it. some had problems getting into it, some had problems getting out.
24.??? there are a few rules i know to be true about love and marriage: if you donre gonna have a lot of trouble. your values must be alike.
25.??? the way to do it, i think, isnt to run away. you have to work at creating your own culture.
26.??? we all have the same beginning-birth-and we all have the same end-death.
27.??? the teaching goes on.
1. adj. 巨大的,极大的??????????????????? enormous
i would like to acknowledge the enormous help given to me in creating this book.
2. n. 众多,大量???????????????????????????? multitude
for their memories, their patience, and their guidance, i wish to thank charlotte, rob, and jonathan schwartz, maurie stein, charlie derber, gordie fellman, david schwartz, rabbi al axelrad, and the multitude of morries friends and colleagues.
3. n. 口试??????????????????????????????????????? oral exams
no grades were given, but there were oral exams each week.
4. 提出问题???????????????????????????????????? pose a question
you were expected to respond to questions, and you were expected to pose questions of your own.
5. n. 学分??????????????????????????????????????? credit
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? kissing him good-bye earned you extra credit.
6. 代替??????????????????????????????????????????? in lieu of = replace
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? a funeral was held in lieu of graduation.
7. adj. 黏糊糊的,闷热的??????????????? sticky
???????????????????????????????????????????????????it is the late spring of 1979, a hot, sticky saturday afternoon.
8. adj.不耐烦的,焦躁的????????????????? impatiently
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? we listen impatiently to long speeches.
9. n. & v. 判决????????????????????????????????? sentence
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? his death sentence came in the summer of 1994.
10. adj.晚期的????????????????????????????????? terminal
n. 航空站,终点站,终端???????? the list was in my bag when i returned to west newton for the fourth time, a tuesday in late august when the air-conditioning at the logan airport terminal was not working, and people fanned themselves and wiped sweat angrily from their foreheads, and every face i saw looked ready to kill somebody. 动作描写+神态描写
11. adv.勉强,几乎不????????????????????? barely
he backed the car out of the garage one morning and could barely push the brakes.
uneducated and barely able to speak english, he was terribly poor, and the family was on public assistance much of the time.
12. adj. 致命的,灾难性的????????????? fatal
i have been teaching this course for twenty years, and this is the first time i can say there is a risk in taking it, because i have a fatal illness.
13. adj.巨大的深切的理解深刻的???? profound
but my old professor had made a profound decision, one he began to construct the day he came out of the doctors office with a sword hanging over his head. 头上悬着一把剑 (向死而生)
14. v. 叙述?????????????????????????????????????? narrate? = tell about
morrie would walk that final bridge between life and death, and narrate the trip.
15. v. 认为?????????????????????????????????????? figure? 【近】calculate? think
over the years, i threw away any mail that came from brandeis university, figuring they were only asking for money.
16. 突然听到什么??????????????????????????? catch one’s eyes / ears
it might have stayed that way, had i not been flicking through the tv channels late one night, when something caught my ear…
17. v. 抹粉,n. 粉末??????????????????????? powder
his philosophy哲学 was that death should not be embarrassing; he was not about to powder its nose.
to face the powder and not to powder the face. 不爱红装爱武装。许渊冲经典翻译
18. 大一????????????????????????????????????????? freshman ??????????? it is my freshman year.
?????? 大二????????????????????????????????????????? sophomore ???????? in my sophomore year,
?????? 大三????????????????????????????????????????? junior?????????????????? it is my junior year.
?????? 大四????????????????????????????????????????? senior????????????????? by the start of my senior year,
19. adj.巨大的,强烈的?????????????????? overwhelming
the whole time i know him, i have two overwhelming desires: to hug him and to give him a napkin.
20. adj. 有前途的,有希望的?????????? i was hardly the promising student who had left him sixteen years earlier.
21. adv. 小心翼翼地??????????????????????? gingerly??? 【近】cautiously
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? morrie told koppel, perching his glasses gingerly on his nose and ears.
22. adv. 否则 “原本”??????????????????????? otherwise
she had a glow that warmed the otherwise murky atmosphere his father created.
i was amazed, once again, at his ability to draw emotion from people who otherwise kept it locked away. 我再一次惊讶于他的能力,他能从那些原本把它锁起来的人那里获得情感。
23. 为…做准备?????????????????????????????? gear up for sth 【近】prepare for
back in detroit, the newspaper strikers were gearing up for a huge holiday demonstration, to show the solidarity of unions against management.
24. adv. 极其?????????????????????????????????? supremely? 【近】extremely
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? love is so supremely important.
25. n. 洗脑????????????????????????????????????? brainwashing
s what we do in this country. owning things is good. more money is good. more property is good. more commercialism is good. more is good. more is good. we repeat it-and have it repeated to us-over and over until nobody bothers to even think otherwise(=differently). the average person is so fogged up迷雾 by all this, he has no perspective 观点on whats really important anymore.
26. n. 完美主义者?????????????????????????? perfectionist
shy about her talent, and a perfectionist about conditions, janine never did.
27. n. 音符????????????????????????????????????? note
morrie closed his eyes to absorb the notes. 他闭着眼仔细听那些音符。
28. n. 短视????????????????????????????????????? shortsightedness
no matter where you live, the biggest defect we human beings have is our shortsightedness.
29. adj. 巨大成功的; 欢欣鼓舞的;???? triumphant?? 【名】triumph
the students look at him. they stop chanting. he sits down, smiling and triumphant.

关于作者: ybomx

