AAE干货英语易错易混语法点集锦(时态篇)_分析(英语 ape)

今天,aae(美国英文学院,american academy of english,简称aae)就英语易错易混语法点中的“易错时态用法”,深入解析,希望能帮到大家!

1. the museum will be open at ten tomorrow.



【英文分析】the timetable of a museum is usually set in advance and it is fixed. we can use simple present tense to describe something arranged, fixed in the future.


【正确用法】the museum opens at ten tomorrow.

2. will you stay with us this weekend?



【英文分析】we usually employ the present continuous tense instead of the future tense to describe a well planned activity or an upcoming event.

【中文分析】表示即将发生的或预定中计划好的活动, 一般用现在进行时代替将来时。

【正确用法】are you staying with us this weekend?

3. -you haven’t said a word about my new haircut, lucy. do you like it?

-i am sorry i don’t say anything about it sooner. i certainly think you are cool.

– 你还没有评论我的新发型呢,露西。你喜欢吗?

– 非常抱歉我没有及早地回应你,我觉得很不错。


【英文分析】the simple past tense can show the shortly past truth.


【正确用法】-you haven’t said a word about my new haircut, lucy. do you like it?

-i am sorry i didn’t say anything about it sooner. i certainly think you are cool.

4. teacher told us yesterday that the earth went around the sun.



【英文分析】generally in complex sentences which include the object clause, if the predicate verb of main clause is in simple past tense, the predicate verb of subordinate clause should be also in past tense. however if the subordinate clause describes a fact or an objective truth, its predicate verb should be in the simple present tense.


【正确用法】teacher told us yesterday that the earth goes around the sun.

5. it has been a long time since i met you last.



【英文分析】the word “since” is usually the symbol of present perfect tense. but in some sentences like above whose main clause emphasizes a period of time, we use simple present tense to replace present perfect tense.


【正确用法】it’s a long time since i met you last.

6. i have studied english for three years since i had come here.



【英文分析】“since” means the beginning time of the action in the main clause, so the subordinate clause behind it should be in the past tense, not the perfect tense.


【正确用法】i have studied english for three years since i came here.

7. i’ll go hiking if it won’t rain next sunday.



【英文分析】in complex sentences including adverbial clause of time or adverbial clause of condition, if the predicate verb of the main clause is in simple future tense, the predicate verb of the subordinate clause should be in simple present tense.


【正确用法】i’ll go hiking if it doesn’t rain next sunday.

8. they had supper when i went to see them.



【英文分析】“have lunch” is a continuous action, it is on-going, someone was eating at that time when i just arrived or when i knocked on the door. so we should use the past continuous tense.


【正确用法】they were having supper when i went to see them.

9. she went to australia two months ago. she has been there many years before.



【英文分析】we don’t count “many years before” from right now back to the past, we count it from the past (a moment from two months ago) back to the further past. that’s why we use past perfect tense.

【中文分析】many years before是从过去的某时之前算起的,表示过去的过去,要和过去完成时连用。

【正确用法】she went to australia two months ago. she had been there many years before.

10. i learned that her father had died in 1950.



【英文分析】the action of the predicate verb of the subordinate clause happens earlier than that of the main clause, but we have an adverbial of time “in 1950”in the subordinate clause, so we use the simple past tense instead of the past perfect tense.

【中文分析】从句中的谓语动词动作虽然发生在主句谓语动词的动作之前,但因从句中有明确的过去时间状语in 1950, 所以不用过去完成时态,而用一般过去时态。

【正确用法】i learned that her father died in 1950.返回搜狐,查看更多


关于作者: ybomx

