

1. Describing Autumn (描述秋季)
Autumn is a season filled with vibrant colors and changing landscapes. The temperature gradually becomes cooler, and the leaves on the trees turn various shades of red, orange, and yellow, creating a breathtaking view. The air becomes crisp and refreshing, making it the perfect time for outdoor activities such as hiking and picnicking. Additionally, autumn is famous for harvest time, when farmers gather the fruits of their labor and celebrate the abundance of the season.


2. Talking about Weather (谈论天气)
When discussing autumn weather, you can use the following phrases and expressions:
– The temperature is starting to drop.
– There is a crispness in the air.
– The mornings and evenings are chilly.
– The days are getting shorter.
– It’s sweater weather.

– 温度开始下降。
– 空气中弥漫着一种清爽的感觉。
– 早晨和晚上有些凉意。
– 白天变得越来越短。
– 是穿毛衣的天气。

3. Autumn Activities (秋天活动)
There are many activities you can enjoy during autumn. Some popular ones include:
– Going apple picking in the orchard.
– Visiting a pumpkin patch and carving pumpkins.
– Taking a scenic drive to admire the fall foliage.
– Drinking hot apple cider or pumpkin spiced latte.
– Having a bonfire and roasting marshmallows with friends.

– 去果园采摘苹果。
– 参观南瓜农场,刻南瓜灯。
– 开车观赏秋叶的风景。
– 喝热苹果酒或南瓜香料拿铁。
– 和朋友们篝火烤棉花糖。

4. Festivals and Traditions (节日和传统)
Autumn is also a time for many festivals and traditions around the world. Some examples include:
– Oktoberfest in Germany, known for its beer and Bavarian cuisine.
– Halloween, celebrated on October 31st with costumes and trick-or-treating.
– Thanksgiving, a holiday in the United States and Canada where families gather to give thanks and enjoy a feast.
– Mid-Autumn Festival in China, marked by mooncakes and lanterns.

– 德国的“十月啤酒节”,以其啤酒和巴伐利亚料理而闻名。
– 万圣节,于10月31日庆祝,人们穿着化妆服装并进行“不给糖就捣蛋”活动。
– 感恩节,美国和加拿大的节日,在这一天家人们聚集在一起感恩并举办盛宴。
– 中国的中秋节,以月饼和灯笼为特色。

5. Expressing Autumnal Feelings (表达秋天的感觉)
When talking about your feelings during autumn, you can use phrases such as:
– I love the cozy feeling of autumn.
– The changing leaves make me feel nostalgic.
– Autumn always brings a sense of renewal and change.
– The cool air rejuvenates my spirit.
– The beauty of fall leaves me in awe.

– 我喜欢秋天的舒适感。
– 变色的叶子让我感到怀旧。
– 秋天总是带来一种更新和变革的感觉。
– 凉爽的空气使我的精神焕发。
– 秋天美丽到让我不禁感叹。


关于作者: ybomx

