



A:Good evening! How many of you are there?
B:There are three of us. We would like a table for three, please.
A:Certainly, right this way, please. Here are the menus.
B:Thank you.
A:May I take your order now?
B:Yes, I would like the grilled fish, and my friend will have the chicken salad. What do you recommend for dessert?
A:Our specialty is the chocolate cake. It’s delicious.
B:Alright, we’ll have two slices of chocolate cake, please.
A:Perfect. Your food will be ready soon.


A:Can I help you with anything?
B:Yes, I’m looking for a new dress for a party. Do you have any recommendations?
A:Sure. What size are you looking for?
B:I’m usually a medium. Do you have anything in blue?
A:Yes, we do. Follow me, please. Here are some options.
B:I like this one. Can I try it on?
A:Certainly. The fitting room is right over there.
B:It fits perfectly! I’ll take it.
A:Great choice! Please proceed to the counter for payment.


A:Hi, I’m your new neighbor. My name is Lisa.
B:Nice to meet you, Lisa. I’m Tom. Welcome to the neighborhood!
A:Thank you, Tom. It’s nice to meet you too. How long have you lived here?
B:I’ve been living here for about five years now. It’s a friendly community.
A:That’s good to know. I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone.
B:We have a neighborhood barbecue next weekend. You should come!
A:I would love to! Thank you for inviting me.


A:Good morning, everyone. Let’s begin the meeting.
B:I have a few points to discuss regarding the new project.
C:Go ahead, Mike.
B:First, I believe we should allocate more resources to the marketing department.
D:I agree. We need more manpower to promote the product effectively.
A:I see your point. Let’s consider it in our budget planning.
B:Also, we need to set clear deadlines for each milestone.
C:That’s crucial for project management. We should prioritize the tasks accordingly.
A:Agreed. Let’s make sure everyone is clear about their responsibilities.


A:Excuse me, do you know where the nearest bus stop is?
B:Sure, it’s just around the corner. You can’t miss it.
A:Thank you. How much is the bus fare?
B:It’s three dollars for a single trip.
A:Is there a day pass available?
B:Yes, there is. It costs ten dollars and it allows unlimited rides for a day.
A:That’s convenient. I’ll take the day pass, please.
B:Here you go. Enjoy your trip!


关于作者: ybomx

