

1. 机场

A: Welcome to [目的地]. May I see your passport, please?(欢迎来到[目的地]。可以请您出示护照吗?)
B: Here it is. (这是我的护照。)
A: Thank you. How long will you be staying here?(谢谢。您打算在这里待多久?)
B: I will be here for two weeks.(我将在这里待两周。)
A: Enjoy your stay!(祝您在这里玩得愉快!)

2. 酒店

A: Good evening, welcome to [酒店名称]. How may I assist you today?(晚上好,欢迎光临[酒店名称]。我今天能为您做些什么?)
B: I have a reservation under the name of [姓名].(我有一个以[姓名]预订的房间。)
A: Yes, we have your reservation. Here is your room key.(是的,我们已为您准备好了。这是您的房间钥匙。)
B: Thank you. Could you please tell me where the breakfast is served?(谢谢您。请问早餐在哪里供应?)
A: The breakfast is served in the restaurant on the first floor.(早餐在一楼的餐厅供应。)
B: Great, thank you!(太好了,谢谢!)

3. 问路

A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to [景点名称]?(打扰一下,可以告诉我怎么去[景点名称]吗?)
B: Sure. Go straight ahead for two blocks, then turn left at the traffic light. You will see the sign pointing to [景点名称].(当然可以。一直往前走两个街区,然后在红绿灯处左转。您会看到指向[景点名称]的标志。)
A: Thank you so much for your help!(非常感谢您的帮助!)

4. 餐厅

A: Good evening! How many people are dining with you tonight?(晚上好!您今晚和几位就餐?)
B: It’s just me.(就我一位。)
A: Please have a seat. Here is the menu.(请您坐下。这是菜单。)
B: Thank you. Could I have the seafood pasta, please?(谢谢。我可以点海鲜意面吗?)
A: Certainly. Anything to drink?(当然可以。需要喝点什么吗?)
B: I’ll have a glass of white wine, please.(我要一杯白葡萄酒。)
A: Enjoy your meal!(祝您用餐愉快!)

5. 购物

A: How much is this T-shirt?(这件T恤多少钱?)
B: It’s 30 dollars.(30美元。)
A: Can I try it on?(我可以试穿吗?)
B: Of course, fitting rooms are over there.(当然,试衣间在那边。)
A: I’ll take it.(我要买这件。)
B: Great choice! Have a nice day!(非常好的选择!祝您有愉快的一天!)


关于作者: ybomx

